Six Myths about Conventional Pet Food

  Nutrition is the basis of health. To build and run a healthy body, both wholesome raw materials and appropriate fuel are needed. We have been led to believe that processed pet foods provide healthy nutrition. I would like to inject an ounce of reality into this notion. Here are six falsehoods regarding the benefits […]

Dr. Doug in the Raw

Yes, I’m going to bare it all for you right now. I am one of a rare breed of veterinarian who actually recommends raw pet food. This is in spite of my veterinary educational indoctrination that processed pet food is scientifically validated. Initially I bought the propaganda – hook, line and sinker. The reason I […]

Sometimes the Tail Wags the Dogma

The word “dogma” has been defined as “a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted.” This word is usually reserved for religious doctrine but is also used in the area of biology. The so called “central dogma” refers to the idea that the […]

The Kiss of Death

If your pet’s breath is enough to knock you over, she probably has dental disease. Dental health is very important for our pets. They say we can add years to our lives by flossing and I believe that keeping our animals’ teeth clean can improve their health and longevity as well. Many pets have dental […]