Tag Archive for: Behavior

Side Effects from Raw Food

As a holistic practitioner, I treat the whole pet. Animals often come to me because they have a specific problem. The Western medicine way of dealing with such difficulties is to only focus on the issue at hand. In veterinary school we really learn more about disease care than we do about health care. The […]

You Dirty Rat?

I have long thought that there is a natural, in-borne compulsion for compassion in both people and animals. I talked about this in my second book, The Holistic Health Guide. It has always seemed to me that we tend to want to help when we see someone in need. Think of the news stories about […]

Blueberries Combat Stress/Anxiety Better than Drugs

A recent study found that blueberries worked better than Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) to calm the brains of rats that were put through a process to simulate Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This research is important for dog caregivers because SSRIs are sometimes used for separation anxiety, storm phobia and other behavior problems. When you […]

Active Dreaming – What does it Mean?

Do any of your pets move around or vocalize in their sleep? It appears they are acting out their dreams. We can only imagine what is going on in their minds – no doubt chasing after something. Have you ever wondered why some pets do this while others do not? Could there be some underlying […]

9 Reasons to Think Before You Spay/Neuter

Spaying and neutering involves the surgical removal of a pet’s ovaries (spay) and testicles (neuter). We have all been taught that this procedure helps thwart many health, behavioral, and population problems. Research is now refuting the health benefits and making the decision of if and when to spay/neuter much more difficult. Here are 9 research […]

Save the Claws!

It is best if you do not declaw your cat. If tigers can be trained to jump through hoops of fire then surely we can teach our domestic cats to use scratching posts instead of destroying our homes. However, as in the case of the tigers, training a cat does take effort. The first thing […]

Poor Puppy

The recent sale of some of P&G’s pet food brands to Mars brought out the “experts.” In a news article, here’s what one pet food authority had to say: “Ninety percent of pets live on the cheapest pet food and survive,” says Nestle, co-author of “Feed Your Pet Right: The Authoritative Guide to Feeding Your […]